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Call for contributions: Share your experiences and learning from failure (Manchester)

Ever messed-up? Yep, we have too.. we just don’t often talk about it.

We are looking for people from the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester to share their experience of failure and the valuable lessons learned from this as part of our event, ‘Learning from Failure’ on Thursday 23rd June 2022, in Manchester. 

We’re interested in hearing about when things haven’t gone to plan in your field, what contributed to this, what did you learn from it, how you responded to it and what you did next. Each person will be given the stage for a couple minutes to share their experience with the audience.

It doesn’t have to be an epic adventure tale or end in success - although it could be these things as well. We are also interested in mundane experiences of failure - the everyday things that happen, ordinary ‘mistakes’ that lead to small golden nuggets of learning that we collect along the way when we mess up.

We want the event to create a space for people working in, with and funding the VCSE sector to talk about:

  • When things do not go as planned

  • How we can learn from things going wrong

  • The value of looking at failure in research and evaluation

How to get involved:

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Madison Maintains Momentum

Madison E. Kerr opened the proceedings at the Festival of North West Thinking Conference 2021. An economist with Pro Bono Economics (PBE) she drew comparisons between her upbringing in Massachusetts and the UK, where she has lived for six years. The audience forgave her choice of domicile - some one has to live in Yorkshire! 

Her opening talk drew on PBE research that indicated a strong desire of people to see local control over spending decisions, with national bodies tapping into local knowledge. She then compared this to the current state of play which is a complete reversal of this position. She also referenced work that PBE has undertaken for You Gov where the top five people priorities for "Levelling Up" were:  

  • Good jobs with decent pay

  • Health

  • Crime

  • Housing

  • Local infrastructure

where as the majority of awards under various "Levelling Up" schemes were on national infrastructure (HS2 etc)

Her engaging presentation concluded with a call for National Government to listen to local people. 

Madison’s presentation slides can be viewed here.

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Cheshire and Warrington Survey Findings

Volunteering places are lower in July than they were in June – which, itself was only at 60% of prepandemic rate. Some areas are reporting a reduction in the number of volunteers whereas others are reporting a reduction in placements available as operations are struggling to “get up to speed”. NfP synergy have published an interesting report, exploring volunteer trends (and other matters). It can be found here Ten facts from our new report on the impact of Covid on charities and their work | nfpSynergy


Meanwhile food bank usage remains high and constant. During the past month an interactive food insecurity map has been produced by the University of Sheffield. It can be found here UK local food insecurity of Adults Jan 2021 ( and it is this information that caused an article to appear on Conservative Home – authored by the MP for High Wycombe who was shocked to discover the issue in his constituency. If such articles help get the government’s ear then it is all to the good. The comments, relating to the article, are perhaps less positive.


Citizen’s Advice report a consistent workload. Pressures remain and they are working at capacity. We breath a sigh of relief that employment levels remain higher than anticipated. There does seem to be a downward trend in numbers of people seeking advice relating to Universal Credit. This may show that, once people can get into the system at the right level of support it works reasonably well. The removal of the temporary supplement may well reverse the trend.

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Event: COVID Impacts – sharing lessons learnt hosted by NEBOSH

This NEBOSH seminar was attended by VSNW. Lasting two hours it takes a long time to view. There is a section that can be ignored – unless you want to know how the British Safety Council test Covid visors. This interesting, but not very useful, section takes place between 50 minutes and 75 minutes into the session. It did make for a little light relief when drinking a mug of decaff.

 The first session, 45 minutes, dealt with office return. Much is obvious; much is already known. The most interesting comment (25 minutes in) is that visors are not PPE – they are Community Protective Equipment (CPE) which was a phrase I had not heard before.

 The final session – Mental Health and Grief in the workplace has many useful bits and pieces of information within it. This is well worth watching. The “funding professional” in me had ears pricking up at the suggestion for community based services. Here we have an expert sating that we are needed – a lovely clip to put into a funding proposal (and 9.22 into this section). They also made the point that there is a lot of “odd” stuff on the internet and that legitimate sources of support should be used.

 All in all a good use of time. The office return section may be useful to staff (re)induction as this takes place.

 Watch the webinar online

Download the presentation slides

Andrew Rainsford
Aug 2021

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The Lancashire VCFSE Draft Manifesto

Over the last six months, VSNW has helped to facilitate a consultation across the VCFSE sector in Lancashire, with the aim of collectively creating a vision for the next three years. As a start, some priority headlines were suggested and used as starting points for discussions.

Organisations have had the opportunity to input via LOCAL’s website onto a comment forum or during events hosted my some sector Leaders across Lancashire. The information was then collated into a draft manifesto with the aim of streamlining the input into a set of ‘asks’.

On the 29th June, the manifesto was presented at the ‘Lancashire VCFSE Draft Manifesto Aseembly’; breakout rooms explored what was missing from the manifesto, what was good and anything that they disagreed with. We are now asking all those who attended the event and even those that did not, to further read the manifesto and give feedback via a short survey. The deadline for this feedback is the 13th July. The information gathered after this will be used to make a final edit of the manifesto, before distributing and asking groups for endorsement.

This is a really important opportunity for VCFSE groups across Lancashire and we encourage as much input as possible.

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Pride Month 2021

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June is Pride Month 2021. Pearn Kandola, a business psychology consultancy firm have organised a series of events with the aim of exploring equality for the LGBT+ community.

  • Attitudes, stigma, and the LGBT+ community: It’s not the fish, it’s the water

Monday 21st June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

This webinar, presented by Professor Binna Kandola OBE, examines how context and societal norms impact the stereotypes and attitudes towards the LGBT+ community. In particular, the webinar explores how people from this community came to be stigmatised by an examination of people’s attitudes through history.

  • Education and Celebration: How to take pride in your LGBT+ Employees:
    Peran Kandola next webinar series and contribution to Pride Month 2021 takes an in-depth look into the ongoing movement towards equality for the LGBT+ community.

    It is vital to balance this month’s celebrations of the huge strides towards LGBT+ equality with the recognition that there is still a long way to go. Starting on 21st June, they will cover a range of topics and offer practical steps individuals and organisations can take to support the LGBT+ community: Please feel free to invite your colleagues, networks, and anyone else you think may benefit from these sessions.

    If you have any accessibility questions, please email

  • Language matters: Deconstructing the LGBTQIA+ acronym

    Tuesday 22nd June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

    From the way we address our colleagues to the way we market our services, the language we use matters. Language plays an important part in helping people feel seen by having their identities recognised; this is especially true for marginalised communities such as the LGBT+ community. In this webinar, Alexia Karageorghis explores how to navigate LGBT+ terminology.

  • Gender Pronouns: More than just email footers

    Wednesday 23rd June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

    Misgendering a person can be extremely hurtful, which is why many organisations have taken steps to minimise this, including the sharing of gender pronouns on email footers. However, this initiative can also have some unintended negative consequences. In this webinar, Dr Ashley Williams discusses the importance of normalising conversation about pronouns, and the reasons why we need to consider steps beyond sharing pronouns on email footers.

  • Sexuality and race: Identity, invisibility, and impact

Thursday 24th June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

Up until the recent past, researchers have paid little attention to the intersections between race and sexuality – in many instances they have been treated as separate topics. This webinar examines this topic in more detail and looks at how race and sexuality have an impact on minorities and their identities. It also examines how organisations can take a more all-embracing approach, which is genuinely inclusive of all members of the LGBT+ community.

  • Allyship: Beyond Pride

Friday 25th June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

Allies play a vital role in progressing LGBT+ equality. Although many people would consider themselves to be supportive allies, it can be difficult to know how to continually show support for the LGBT+ community. In this webinar, Dr Ashley Williams shares what it means to be an ally and offers some practical ways that you can support the LGBT+ community all year round.


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VS6 Assemblies Video

Earlier this year VS6 published their Assembly Summary Report “Building Back Better with the VCFSE Sector in Liverpool City Region”. The report summarises the key findings and recommendations from four assemblies held throughout 2020 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the sector and specific community groups and topics including: 

Following the success of the Assemblies, VS6 have produced this explanation video to promote both the Assembly Reports, and highlight the effectiveness of the assembly format as a way to engage with the sector at such a crucial time, despite social distancing barriers. 

Please take a look and feel free to share it amongst your networks and media: 

The VS6 Assembly Reports and associated recommendations have been essential to the conversations they have had with the LCR Combined Authority and have formed the foundations to their LCR VCFSE Manifesto, to which Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram has committed to

VS6 will continue to engage with the VCFSE sector to understand the needs of the sector and their communities so that they can continue to represent the sector in their work with the LCR Combined Authority and with their partners from the public and private sector across the region. 

Please keep an eye out for their next events by following them on Twitter @vs6news and regularly checking their website for the latest news. 

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Employing Ex-offenders in the VCSE Sector Event Summary

VSNW Presents ‘Employing Ex-Offenders in the

VCSE Sector’

19th May 2021 4pm-5pm

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A full recording of the event can be found here.

The pandemic has exaggerated unemployment levels, which has had dramatic effects on individuals, families and the wider community. Ex-offenders have a particularly high risk of unemployment after finishing their sentence, which, amongst other factors, enhances the likelihood of reoffending. Helping and securing employment can have long and prominent positive effects, not only for the individual but for wider society too.

VSNW welcomed a selection of speakers to discuss their processes and experiences of working with and employing ex-offenders, including an inspiring insight from John, who has been through the process himself.

Our key takeaway messages:

  1. People deserve a second chance-employment is vital in lowering re-offending rates.

  2. Re-creating real-life work scenarios inside prison is an important process of getting offenders ready to work.

  3. Supporting offenders release from prison with travel expenses ,meeting them upon release etc is vital to the transition.

  4. Many ex-offenders have transferable skills intrinsic to business and the workplace.

  5. Support and buddy programmes needed as ex-offenders can be vulnerable.

  6. Employment is only one variable that effects re-offending rates,family support and housing being examples of others. This needs to be kept in mind.

  7. For organisations wanting to implement practices to employ ex-offenders, partnerships with other organisations to support can be key. Whether that’s another organisation already successfully employing ex-offenders to learn employment practices from, or a housing or mental health organisation for example to provide the wrap around support that can sometimes be required.

Darren Burns, from the Timpson Foundation, discussed the history of the foundation and how the group became invested in employing ex-offenders and giving them a second chance. They are now proudly the largest employer of ex-offenders in England.

They have four main streams of employment:

1: ROTL (Release on Temporary License)
This begins with informal interviews after liaising with prison staff, the aim of which is to grasp the character and personality of the individual. ROTL allows successful applicants to leave prison in the day to work and return to prison in the evening. They receive national living wage.

2. Prison training academies:
As a lot of prison work doesn’t get prisoners ready for the real world, these prison training academies aim to replicate a real Timpson branch environment for practice and assessing skills. When the prisoners are then eligible for ROTL, the continuity of environment is very positive.

3 .Some people in custody do not have access to ROTL (perhaps they are in category B prisons/sentence is too short). In this instance they are risk assessed and interviewed and then met upon release and given a travel pass and a job.

4. People feel confident applying through normal streams as Timpson is renowned for its employment ethos.

Darren explained some of main reasons why the Timpson Foundation has decided to engage with the above employment processes:

  1. People deserve a second chance-reoffending rates are dramaticallyr educed if employed.

  2. Reoffending costs the taxpayer vast amounts each year, thus reducing this benefits family, individual, wider society, tax payer and communities

  3. Experience of prison often gives people qualities of personal resilience. They are often more hardworking, more honest and can be business savvy.

Annie Gale, from COOK Ltd and the Raw Talent Programme gave an overview of their experiences and processes too.

The RAW (Ready & Working) Talent Programme supports people with convictions, who suffer from addiction and who are homeless. Their company values see their employees as “essential ingredients” to their success, which they regard as doing the right thing by society as well as turning a profit. The programme has the following stages:

1. Training before job offer (a supported trial shift)
2. All those who complete the programme are interviewed
3. The programme is run 3 times a year and 2-4 jobs are offered from each.

COOK Ltd strive to see the potential in people and maintain that somebody’s past doesn’t have to define their future. They believe that doing good business attracts good people, shareholders, suppliers and customers. They put equality at the fore of their ethos and make sure that their employees are offered support, buddy programmes etc. They have high expectations and a disciplinary process, which has been devised from learning over the years.

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Donations & Fund Reporting Webinar

The Civil Society hosted a webinar at their Spring Summit exploring ‘Donations and Fund Reporting: how to do it right to protect your charity today and into the future’.

Their focus is on how to digitise fund reporting, including the practicalitiies and how to ensure your processes are efficient and SORP compliant. These are all vital, due to the high levels of accountability in fund reporting and the need to comply with all the rules.

Watch the webinar here

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