Call for contributions: Share your experiences and learning from failure (Manchester)

Ever messed-up? Yep, we have too.. we just don’t often talk about it.

We are looking for people from the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester to share their experience of failure and the valuable lessons learned from this as part of our event, ‘Learning from Failure’ on Thursday 23rd June 2022, in Manchester. 

We’re interested in hearing about when things haven’t gone to plan in your field, what contributed to this, what did you learn from it, how you responded to it and what you did next. Each person will be given the stage for a couple minutes to share their experience with the audience.

It doesn’t have to be an epic adventure tale or end in success - although it could be these things as well. We are also interested in mundane experiences of failure - the everyday things that happen, ordinary ‘mistakes’ that lead to small golden nuggets of learning that we collect along the way when we mess up.

We want the event to create a space for people working in, with and funding the VCSE sector to talk about:

  • When things do not go as planned

  • How we can learn from things going wrong

  • The value of looking at failure in research and evaluation

How to get involved:


Clean Air Plan Update - February 2022


Association of Charitable Foundations