Sector News, VSNW News Guest User Sector News, VSNW News Guest User

North West Health and Care Awards: just four weeks left to nominate

The Learning Matters Challenge!

Just four weeks left to identify innovative people and creative ideas that are transforming healthcare in the North West through asset based approaches.

Learning Matters is a new, regional learning campaign and awards programme led by Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW) - the voluntary sector network for the region. Learning Matters is delivered in partnership with Health Education England (HEE) working across the North West- the workforce development arm of the NHS.

VSNW is looking to recognise and celebrate innovative examples of asset based community development in any healthcare context as part of their commitment to Learning Matters. The Learning Matters campaign partnership straddles the public, private and third sector bringing healthcare people together. It is all about working better together by effectively sharing knowledge and increasing understanding of what works and why.

VSNW is particularly keen to hear about projects and key people who are unlocking talent in our communities. This might include:

  • activity which spotlights prevention and self-management agendas through peer support and mentoring; or by creatively promoting health coaching
  • shifting power, to patients and the public, by the provision of better information and advice
  • activity with a commitment to reduce health inequality and deliver social value
  • harnessing or creating digital opportunities.

Warren Escadale, Chief Executive of VSNW, said: “In this category, we’re particularly interested in how nominees are supporting and empowering community-led activity, with the potential to drive health improvement.”  

Can you help VSNW to identify key people and key activity which is making a difference to healthcare in the North West so we can tell this story, learn from it and inspire others. Your healthcare stories can be told using any relevant Learning Matters award nomination category See: Nominations are open until 12 noon on 10 April. So we need you to nominate now!


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VSNW News, Sector News, Events Guest User VSNW News, Sector News, Events Guest User

Learning Matters! You tell us why

The search is on for people and projects where individual and organisational learning is driving development and transforming the health and care sector in the North West.

Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW) and Health Education England (HEE) are proud to announce a new joint regional award programme and learning campaign, Learning Matters, to celebrate all kinds of learning across the health and care sector. You can nominate people: colleagues, volunteers or patients where their learning is really making a difference; or projects which are applying learning in any given context. Nominations will showcase the impact of learning on people and organisations in order to inspire others. They will importantly, acknowledge and say thank you to those who go that extra mile. Show your support by taking the time to nominate. Help us tell people why Learning Matters so much to everyone.

This joint campaign led by VSNW, recognises the contribution that adult learning makes to individual, community and economic wellbeing. It will emphasise the importance the awards’ partnership places on the need to develop and harness all talent. It will highlight what can be done to enable the health and care system to support people to have the knowledge, skills and confidence to play an active role in managing their own health; and how to work effectively with communities and their assets. Learning Matters will also demonstrate the fundamental role of learning in reducing health inequalities and how the sector can use leverage to add social value.

Warren Escadale, CEO VSNW said, ’Together with HEE we will be jointly celebrating and promoting Learning Matters because we believe learning is good for people, the sector and the region. But we need your help to identify staff and volunteers, working in and across the whole of the health and care sector, who have been transformed by learning and who can inspire others to give learning a go. We’d also like to hear about projects and activity where learning is shared and it is changing the way we think and what we do in the sector.’

The Learning Matters awards launch on Friday 03 February 2017. They will recognise people and projects in public, voluntary or private sector organisations; in all kinds of job roles not just those with direct care responsibility. This includes those working in an unpaid and volunteer capacity. These awards will reflect the diversity of learning and the range of responsibilities across the whole of the health and care sector. The award categories themselves will include a celebration of the role and value of apprenticeships for all ages. They will highlight important first steps into the sector. They will spotlight regional talent and shout about career development and progression. And they will provide an insight into how people in the sector support each other.

The Learning Matters team is also pleased to announce a number of sponsored awards which will celebrate innovation and regional ingenuity. These awards will have an eye on underlining the importance of supporting new care models, driving adoption of innovation, innovative community asset based development, patient, carer and public engagement, widening participation in healthcare education, prevention, digital health, personalised care and social prescribing. Your nominations will tell us how.

Nominations are open from 03 February until 12 noon on Monday 10 April 2017

For full details on all these awards and how to get nominating simply follow the link below.

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Events, VSNW News Dan Farley Events, VSNW News Dan Farley

VSNW's Conference and AGM 2016: Community Powered Change. Book now

This year's VSNW conference, Community Powered Change, will look at how, in the context of inclusive growth and devolution, communities can be the drivers of transformation. Keynote speakers and panellists include: Professor Ruth Lupton, Head of the Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit, Kathy Evans, Chief Executive of Children England; Cllr Sean Anstee, potential Conservative candidate for Greater Manchester Mayor, Neil McInroy, Chief Executive of CLES, and Cllr Jean Stretton, Inclusive Growth lead for GMCA.

We will be partnering with CLES, Network for Europe, and colleagues from across academia, the public sector, and of course VCSE sector, to deliver workshops along three themes:

  • Inclusive Growth: devolution, post-Brexit era social inclusion funding, regeneration in the North West, and measuring social success 
  • Transforming the Voluntary Sector: Voluntary sector partnerships, the sector’s role in devolution, and investment strategies for the sector
  • Health and Social Care: Social Movements for Health, Realising the Value, and Sustainability and Transformation Plans

The conference will take place on the 5th December, from 09.30 - 16.30 at the People's History Museum in Manchester. 

Places are limited, so please book using Eventbrite via the following link:


9.30am Refreshments and Registration


10.00am   Introduction

Chair – Warren Escadale, Chief Executive, VSNW

Keynote speaker: Professor Ruth Lupton, Head of the Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit 

Keynote speaker: Jim McMahon MP, Shadow Minister for Communities & Local Government and Devolution (invited)

Q&A with the speakers, Chaired by Debbie Dalby, VSNW Chair


11.00am Morning Workshops

Inclusive Growth for Communities

Economic regeneration in the North West: Matthew Jackson, Centre for Local Economic Strategies

Transforming the voluntary sector

Developing an investment strategy for the voluntary sector: Anne Lythgoe, Salford City Council

Health & Social Care 

The sector’s role in Sustainability and Transformation Plans: TBC


12.00pm Lunch, AGM, and Voluntary Action in Action Photo Competition


13.15pm Afternoon Workshops 1

Inclusive Growth for Communities

Measuring social success: Dr Anthony Rafferty, Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit

Transforming the voluntary sector

Building effective voluntary sector partnerships: Representatives from the Cumbria Third Sector Network, GM VCSE Reference Group and Liverpool City Region VS6. Chaired by Warren Escadale 

Health & Social Care 

Person and Community Centred Care for Wellbeing - Realising the Value: Chris Dabbs, Unlimited Potential and Simon Kweeday, Big Life Group


14.15pm Afternoon Workshops 2

Inclusive Growth for Communities

Funding social inclusion in a Brexit era: Andy Churchill & John Hacking, Network for Europe and  Gill Bainbridge, Merseyside Youth Association

Transforming the voluntary sector

The VCSE role in devolution: lessons from Sheffield, Cardiff, Greater Manchester, and Swansea: Dr David Beel, University of Sheffield 

Health & Social Care 

Social Movements for Health: Ben Gilchrist, VSNW & Action Together & other speaker TBC  


15.15pm Afternoon refreshments


15.30pm How will devolution transform communities? Panel discussion

Kathy Evans, Chief Executive of Children England

Cllr Sean Anstee, Conservative candidate for Greater Manchester Mayor

Neil McInroy, Chief Executive of Centre for Local Economic Strategies

Cllr Jean Stretton, GMCA lead for Inclusive Growth

Chair: Warren Escadale, Chief Executive of VSNW


16.20pm Round up and finish



Places are limited, and if more than one delegate wishes to attend from the same organisation they must book individually. Please book by Wednesday 30th November via the following link:

If you are a VCSE organisation in the North West, the event is free to attend.

If you work for a non-VCSE organization or are an individual, the cost is £50 plus VAT per delegate. 

For any queries regarding the conference, please contact Sam Popper on 0161 276 9300 or at

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Events Dan Farley Events Dan Farley

CQC Inspections in the North West

CQC have announced upcoming hospital inspections for the next year in the North West. Care Quality Commission inspectors will be visiting the following hospitals, on the following dates:

If you have been a patient or visitor to one of these hospitals in the past 12 months, then you are invited to share your experiences. To find out more about the inspections, please click on the relevant inspection above.

You can also share your experiences in a number of other ways:

Visiting CQC website link:


Letter: CQC, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA

Phone: 03000 61 61 61

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Publications Guest User Publications Guest User

EU referendum: Potential implications for the North West

The North West Leaders Board, which comprises of local authority leaders from the region along with other representatives including VSNW Chief Executive Warren Escadale, have issued a report on the implications of leaving the EU for the North West

The North West Leaders Board, which comprises of local authority leaders from the region along with other representatives including VSNW Chief Executive Warren Escadale, have issued a report on the implications of leaving the EU for the North West.

It identifies a number of issues associated with the planned referendum, and the possibility of a vote to leave
the EU, that are of particular relevance to the North West. The report aims to inform debate on this issue in advance of the planned referendum, the outcome of which will have significant implications both nationally and locally. It also includes recommendations for reform should we remain in the EU.

There was also a recent NCVO paper on the referendum which you can find on their website -

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Publications Guest User Publications Guest User

Review of partnerships and investment in the voluntary sector

The final report of the VCSE Review, Joint review of partnerships and investment in voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in the health and care sector, has been launched

The final report of the VCSE Review, Joint review of partnerships and investment in voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in the health and care sector, has been launched. You can access a copy of the report here.

The review has been conducted in partnership between the Department of Health, Public Health England, NHS England and representatives from the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector including Regional Voices, of which VSNW are a member.

The aim of the review was to:

  • describe the role of the VCSE sector in improving health, wellbeing and care outcomes
  • identify the challenges and opportunities in realising the sector’s potential
  • address these challenges and maximise the opportunities

The report makes recommendations for government, health and care system partners, funders, regulatory bodies and the VCSE sector. It emphasises putting wellbeing at the centre of health and care services, and making VCSE organisations an integral part of a collaborative system.

A blog by Alex Fox, the review’s chair, can be found here: blog on the VCSE Review site


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Sector News Guest User Sector News Guest User

Map of European funds by LEP area

The Local Government Chronicle have produced a map of European funding for 2014-20 by LEP area

The Local Government Chronicle have produced a map of European funding for 2014-20 by LEP area.

This shows that the allocated funding for the North West is:

265m euros  Lancashire

91m euros    Cumbria

414m euros  Greater Manchester

221m euros  Liverpool City Region

142m euros  Cheshire and Warrington

This map is part of an article about the potential impacts of the EU referendum vote on this funding (subscription required) -

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VSNW News Guest User VSNW News Guest User

VSNW and Compact Voice survey into cross-partnership working

Last summer, we conducted a short survey looking at cross-sector partnership working in the North West, in association with Compact Voice. We are now asking VCS organisations to complete a follow-up survey to assess if the level of partnership engagement has changed

Last summer, we conducted a short survey looking at cross-sector partnership working in the North West, in association with Compact Voice. We are now asking VCS organisations to complete a follow-up survey to assess if the level of partnership engagement has changed.

The five minute survey has seven questions and it will provide us with a valuable insight into the extent to which charities are engaged in the commissioning of public services, and how they are working with different commissioning bodies.

Commissioners include not only local authorities but also newer bodies such as Clinical Commissioning Groups, Police and Crime Commissioners and Local Enterprise Partnerships. The results of the survey will help us to identify the changes to partnerships with these bodies and the continuing support and guidance that is required to further improve their effectiveness.

The survey is available via the following link - The deadline for completing the survey is 5pm on Wednesday 6th April.

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Sector News Guest User Sector News Guest User

North West organisations shortlisted for the Social Value Awards

Individuals and organisations in the North West have been shortlisted for the UK’s first Social Value Awards to be announced at the Social Value Summit on 11th February

Individuals and organisations in the North West have been shortlisted for the UK’s first Social Value Awards that are sponsored by KPMG. The awards recognise and celebrate good practice in commissioning and providing social value.

The winners will be announced on 11th February during a ceremony at the Social Value Summit hosted by Interserve and Social Enterprise UK. Find out more about the event.

Shortlisted organisations and individuals

Social Value Leadership Award for an Organisation

  • Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) Procurement Hub: AGMA consists of 10 local councils in the Greater Manchester region and has developed a social value policy and framework to address issues affecting the whole region

  • Halton Borough Council consistently considers social value in decisions and has implemented a social value policy, framework and charter

  • Durham County Council has invested in understanding their region’s priorities and how their own social value procurement can help to achieve these priorities

  • Liverpool City Council has set social value as a priority from mayoral level down

Social Value Leadership Award for an Individual

  • Laura Pechey of the charity HAGA, based in Haringey that works with and on behalf of people, families and communities affected by alcohol. Laura Pechey brought in specialist support to explore how to embed the Social Value Act locally

  • Anne Lythgoe, Strategic Manager at Salford City Council, has been involved with delivering, monitoring and teaching social value principles for over 15 years

  • Dave Sweeney, Director of Transformation at NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group and Halton Borough Council, has been instrumental in promoting the development of social value in Halton

Promoting and Mainstreaming the Social Value Act Award

  • HACT is the housing sector’s innovation agency which supports the sector to build the skills to better understand social value

  • Kier Group is a property, residential, construction and services group working with organisations to promote social value

  • Landmarc Support Services has embedded social value into the management and operation of the Ministry of Defence’s UK Defence training estate

  • The Social Value Portal is a social enterprise dedicated to building the capacity of both the public sector and business to implement the Social Value Act

  • The Wates Group construction services company is committed to creating employment and training through trading with at least 1 social enterprise on every live construction project

Driving Value for Money Award

  • Gloucestershire County Council embedded social value throughout the tender process when it went to market for a new IT services provider

  • Data Performance Consultancy works with public authorities to develop social value frameworks to measure social value and provide best value for money

  • Fusion21 is the national social enterprise that provides procurement and regeneration services to public sector members

More information about the shortlisted individuals and organisations can be found on the GOV.UK website.

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