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The Civil Society Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Through consultation with over 150 civil society organisations, The Runnymede Trust has compiled a number of recomendations for the UK government in order for them to address racial inequalities in England.

in 2016, the UN Committee on the Elimintion of Racial Discrimination (CERD) provided a set of recommendations, however this report argues that in fact, the UK government’s policies have been in direct breach of these, and that they have failed to protect vulnerable BME groups from continued discrimination and inequality.

Their hope is that the CERD will endorse this report and encourage the government to address the issues outlined.

Find the full report and extensive recommendations here.

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Pride Month 2021

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June is Pride Month 2021. Pearn Kandola, a business psychology consultancy firm have organised a series of events with the aim of exploring equality for the LGBT+ community.

  • Attitudes, stigma, and the LGBT+ community: It’s not the fish, it’s the water

Monday 21st June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

This webinar, presented by Professor Binna Kandola OBE, examines how context and societal norms impact the stereotypes and attitudes towards the LGBT+ community. In particular, the webinar explores how people from this community came to be stigmatised by an examination of people’s attitudes through history.

  • Education and Celebration: How to take pride in your LGBT+ Employees:
    Peran Kandola next webinar series and contribution to Pride Month 2021 takes an in-depth look into the ongoing movement towards equality for the LGBT+ community.

    It is vital to balance this month’s celebrations of the huge strides towards LGBT+ equality with the recognition that there is still a long way to go. Starting on 21st June, they will cover a range of topics and offer practical steps individuals and organisations can take to support the LGBT+ community: Please feel free to invite your colleagues, networks, and anyone else you think may benefit from these sessions.

    If you have any accessibility questions, please email

  • Language matters: Deconstructing the LGBTQIA+ acronym

    Tuesday 22nd June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

    From the way we address our colleagues to the way we market our services, the language we use matters. Language plays an important part in helping people feel seen by having their identities recognised; this is especially true for marginalised communities such as the LGBT+ community. In this webinar, Alexia Karageorghis explores how to navigate LGBT+ terminology.

  • Gender Pronouns: More than just email footers

    Wednesday 23rd June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

    Misgendering a person can be extremely hurtful, which is why many organisations have taken steps to minimise this, including the sharing of gender pronouns on email footers. However, this initiative can also have some unintended negative consequences. In this webinar, Dr Ashley Williams discusses the importance of normalising conversation about pronouns, and the reasons why we need to consider steps beyond sharing pronouns on email footers.

  • Sexuality and race: Identity, invisibility, and impact

Thursday 24th June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

Up until the recent past, researchers have paid little attention to the intersections between race and sexuality – in many instances they have been treated as separate topics. This webinar examines this topic in more detail and looks at how race and sexuality have an impact on minorities and their identities. It also examines how organisations can take a more all-embracing approach, which is genuinely inclusive of all members of the LGBT+ community.

  • Allyship: Beyond Pride

Friday 25th June, 9:15 – 10:00 BST

Allies play a vital role in progressing LGBT+ equality. Although many people would consider themselves to be supportive allies, it can be difficult to know how to continually show support for the LGBT+ community. In this webinar, Dr Ashley Williams shares what it means to be an ally and offers some practical ways that you can support the LGBT+ community all year round.


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Employing Ex-Offenders in the VCSE Sector

On Wednesday 19th May, VSNW will be hosting an event exploring “Employing Ex-Offenders in the VCSE Sector” from 4pm-5pm.

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As we exit the pandemic all reports suggest that the employment rate will improve. Whether this is a gradual improvement or a sudden spike remains to be seen. However, it is recognised that it will be some time before employment gets back to where it was in pre-pandemic days. This will affect many households and some who already have difficulties in accessing employment.

One such group is those who have served a custodial sentence. Without a job, the risk of reoffending is higher than would otherwise be the case. This hour long seminar, organised by VSNW, will hear from businesses who have a positive process to recruit from prison and also from a community development worker who works full time with ex-offenders with the aim of gaining them employment.

We are delighted to announce the following guest speakers:

Farhana Musarat, Project Officer at Lancashire BME Network in Blackburn. She is leading on work with ex-offenders and guiding into employment. A graduate of University of Central Lancs, Farhana is a stimulating and passionate speaker and an Experienced Employment Advisor /Transformation coach/ Project Officer with a wealth of skills gained from diverse working environments. Skilled in Communication, Leadership, Writing, Project Management, offender rehabilitation and Customer Service she brings a wide range of perspectives to this event. 

Annie Gale, Head of RAW Talent & Apprenticeships at COOK Trading LTD. Arriving in Sittingbourne, where the company is based, via Birmingham University Annie cares deeply about good results, good values and good communication. She believes in people's potential - whatever their past - to do a fantastic job and oversees the 'RAW Talent' programme at COOK. This supports people from prison / homelessness / addiction / mental ill health into meaningful, sustainable work. Annie will be accompanied by John, one of the team recruited under the Raw Talent programme.

Darren Burns, National Recruitment Manager, Timpson Group. He specialises in the recruitment and retention of ex-offenders, veterans and others who face barriers to employment and also fosters relationships with many UK prisons and agencies such as Police and Probation services. Just in case he is not busy enough he also manages the Timpson prison training academies and is responsible for overseeing the transition from custody into the work place! 

We will hear from all of our speakers in turn then move into a Q&A panel discussion, where you will be able to ask your questions to our guests. 

Once registered for the event, Zoom joining details will be emailed to you the day prior to the event.


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Employing Ex-Offenders

BBC Radio 4 - Lent Talks, Faith in 'Lost Causes' was broadcast on 7th March 2021 and features Sir John Timpson who owns Timpson- the UK shoe repair and key cutting chain.   

Sir John discusses Timpson’s positive experiences of employing ex-offenders or even those still serving a sentence. Unemployment is a huge risk factor in recidvism rates, exacerbated by employers often dismissing those with a criminal record; The Timpson Foundation’s commitment to employing this marginalised group helps address this risk factor. Timpson is one of the UK’s largest employers of ex-offenders in the UK; approximately 10% of its workforce have had criminal convictions, giving people a second chance. Prisons and re-offending are a huge financial burden on the tax payer and thus by including rather than excluding this vulnerable group, Timpson are able to make a real difference to society.

With this in mind, if a commercial business can employ those straight from prison could the VCFSE sector also? Yes, it is a challenge, but isn’t that what motivates us? If Timpsons (and group companies) can allow recent prison inmates the responsibility of banking the cash takings from shops then why can’t we? Safeguarding and DBS processes can allow this to happen – we just need to manage the risk.  .  

How could this work? Many, but not all, VCFSE groups have premises; do these need decorating; can the grounds be tidied up; are there groups that need refreshments served etc? Community payback has been used to provide staff for charity shops. It is also another means of assisting the rehabilitation process and this works even better if there is integration between teams of employees and paybackers; this may only be at a shared tea break but it is an important part of the process.

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Sector News, Publications info VSNW Sector News, Publications info VSNW

Covid-19 Vaccine Queries Answered in Several Languages

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Sharing information and encouraging vaccine uptake is vital to help take control of the Covid-19 pandemic. The UK proudly is the home of citizens from a plethora of different backgrounds and mother tongues, and thus it is imperative that information as important as this, can be understood and digested by as many people as possible. This is a step in the right direction to addressing some of the inequalities that exist in our society.

AskDoc have a growing online resource of videos answering common questions about the Covid vaccines, translated into a range of languages. AskDoc put the health of the BAME community at the forefront of their mission, which aims to “engage, educate and empower the Great Manchester BAME communities”.

Please follow them on Twitter.

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