The Future Role of the VCS in the Cheshire and Warrington LEP
VSNW and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) were commissioned by Learning Together Cheshire and Warrington (LTC&W) to explore the role of VCS organisations in the future of the Local Enterprise Partnership.
The report draws together evidence and case-studies about the sector's impact and potential in four thematic LEP delivery areas:
- social enterprise
- social innovation
- employment and skills, and
- social inclusion.
This report will be of use to LEPs thinking about how they work with the sector and to local VCS lead agencies, especially those developing Lottery match funding proposals (all five in the North West). The report includes recommendations for how LEPs can work with the VCS to generate greater economic and social development.
Other key links:
- SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS: working with the VCS to generate greater economic development
- MAIN REPORT: The Future Role of the VCS in Cheshire and Warrington LEP
- Big Lottery Fund match funding announcement
(see topic sheets at the bottom of the page and the link to register your interest for news updates) - List of Lottery match funding areas (36 of 39 as at 2 July 2014
- Developing Local Economic Resilience: the role of LEPs (CLES: 2014)
This report is part of VSNW's work to support the sector to engage in economic policy-making: VSNW Strategic Engagement work