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Cheshire & Merseyside Health Care Partnership (HCP) are seeking to secure a second Vice-Chair

Cheshire & Merseyside Health Care Partnership (HCP) are seeking to secure a second Vice-Chair who will represent the voluntary sector and are seeking individuals from the VCSE sector to submit an Expression of Interest for this position.

The HCP are looking for an individual employed within Cheshire and Merseyside based or focused VCSE organisations, however, please be aware that as Joint Vice Chair of the HCP you would be representing the whole VCSE sector in Cheshire and Merseyside and not your employing organisation.

The HCP are looking for a dynamic strategic focused leader to undertake the role of Joint Vice Chair, who meets the following criteria:

  • Able to act as a catalyst and connector for change within the existing and emerging ICS governance structures.

  • Open to learning and being challenged, offering constructive challenge to others.

  • Able to build an effective rapport with your fellow HCP representative colleagues and can build on each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Committed to supporting the broader VCSE sector (and the vision of the HCP) beyond your own organisational interests.

  • Willing to make yourself accountable to the wider VCSE sector by linking into and out from the Cheshire and Merseyside VCFSE Health and Care Leaders Group and its Secretariat.

  • Ability to attend the below meetings on the following cycle

The HCP meet bi-monthly with meetings scheduled for 2 hours from January 2023 plus bi-monthly agenda setting and workplan review meeting also scheduled for 2 hours from February 2023, plus an annual HCP conference

If you would like to be considered for this role, please complete the Expression of Interest form and return to Clare Watson ( Assistant Chief Executive) via e-mail to clare.watson@cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk by 5pm on 25 November 2022