Financial returns and beyond - how does your organisations money work

Our friends at Civil Society Media quite often send us advertising features. It helps keeps their news service affordable (enabling VSNW membership to remain free) and, frankly, we ignore much of what is sent. However, just occasionally something that is useful arrives. One such is below.


Within the constraints of not offering financial advice we do note that this is one of the main bodies used by Charities (they are the second C in the company name) for investing reserves.


For some of our members a financial year end has just happened. For many it maybe that the year end is March. In either event trustees need to think about investment policies. This thinking needs to be beyond a financial return. How do investments, that we may have, align with our mission and core purpose? Can our investments be used to influence those whom we would like to influence? There will be many other questions.


Thank you to Civil Society media for prompting a ponder around investment policies


Seeking the other point of view


How charities/not for profits recruit