GM Health and Social Care Devolution Event Presentations
From April 2016 the Greater Manchester will take full responsibility for its devolved £6 billion health and social care budget. Nearly 100 people from VCSE organisations attended a GMCVO meeting on 27th January to discuss the five-year strategic plan for health and social care in Greater Manchester. The presentations from the event are now available.
The plan has been built on the content being developed out of ten locality (borough) plans submitted jointly by councils and the NHS, and is intended to improve the health and social care of people in Greater Manchester by putting more focus on prevention, whilst also addressing the funding shortfall of £2 billion predicted by 2021.
The event provided an opportunity for delegates to hear about the draft plan from Warren Heppolette, Strategic Director for Health and Social Care Reform Greater Manchester, and how Salford and the LGBT community have been involved. Towards the end of the session, the ‘assembly’ broke up into small groups to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the VCSE offer as participants in health and social care devolution.
Presentations given at the event were:
VSNW - GM VCSE Reference Group
Greater Manchester Combined Authority/NHS Manchester - Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partners
Salford CVS - A Salford perspective