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Third Sector Trends North West England 2020 – A tale of three sectors

Voluntary Sector North West would like to invite you to participate in the North West launch of the Third Sector Trends Report.

The world was a very different place when the latest Third Sector Trends for the North West was published in 2019. The relative stability of the sector highlighted in previous reports continues in the latest report but will that still be the case in a post-coronavirus world in 2020 and beyond?

At this launch Prof Tony Chapman will present the latest findings form Third Sector Trends but will look at the state of the sector through the current coronavirus affected lens. He will reflect that the sector is in fact three sectors and discuss how each were faring before the virus and how he feels they will fare going forwards. More importantly perhaps he will make the case that the sector still needs investment.

This ground-breaking longitudinal study explores the scale, dynamics and needs of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in the North West. The report, based on a representative sample of over 1,000 organisations, is the latest of a series of reports that began in 2008. This gives the study a long-term view not available from other research on charities and community organisations regionally or nationally.

This event will feature presentations from:

  • Professor Tony Chapman (Durham University) on the findings of the survey.

  • Jack Hunter (Institute for Public Policy Research) on the consequences of these findings for the North.

  • Warren Escadale (Voluntary Sector North West) on how these findings could feed into conversations were having around recovery for the region.

This event will also include an opportunity to ask questions directly.

Click here to book your place.

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