We are delighted to have two excellent keynote speakers in the morning:
Jim McMahon MP, Shadow Minister for Communities & Local Government and Devolution
Professor Ruth Lupton, Head of the Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit
We can also confirm a fantastic speaker in the afternoon, Jonathan Schifferes, who will be talking about the emerging findings of the RSA's Inclusive Growth Commission, and where the VCSE sector's role is.
We will be hosting a panel discussion at the end of the day, ‘How will Devolution Transform Communities?’, with distinguished panelists including Kathy Evans, Chief Executive of Children England; Cllr Sean Anstee, declared Conservative candidate for Greater Manchester Mayor, Neil McInroy, Chief Executive of CLES, and Cllr Jean Stretton, Inclusive Growth lead for GMCA.
We will be partnering with CLES, Network for Europe, and colleagues from across academia, the public sector, and of course VCSE sector, to deliver workshops along three themes:
Inclusive Growth: post-Brexit era social inclusion funding, regeneration in the North West, and measuring social success
Transforming the Voluntary Sector: Voluntary sector partnerships, the sector’s role in devolution, and investment strategies for the sector
Health and Social Care: Social Movements for Health, Realising the Value, and Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Places are limited, and if more than one delegate wishes to attend from the same organisation they must book individually. Please book by midday Thursday 1st December
If you are a VCSE organisation in the North West, the event is free to attend.
If you work for a non-VCSE organization or are an individual, the cost is £50 per delegate.
For any queries regarding the conference, please contact Sam Popper on 0161 276 9300 or at sam.popper@vsnw.org.uk.