Caring Neighbourhoods:
Models of VCFSE and Primary Care collaboration across Cheshire & Merseyside

This report looks at the relationships between voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Cheshire and Merseyside (C&M).

Taking a lead from the Fuller Stocktake and the Hewitt Report, the intention was to look at what works well across relationships between VCFSE and PCNs and what opportunities there are for further developing this partnership working.

It reflects the diversity of thoughts shared about what works well in C&M and what better might look like, with an intention to stimulate discussion at place and across the wider system on how these sectors can work together to deliver:

  • Improved health outcomes and services

  • Reduction in health inequalities

  • Streamlined access to care and advice

  • More proactive, personalised care

  • More people staying well for longer

  • A financially sustainable health and care system

  • Thriving social and economic development in communities

Case studies

These detailed fact sheets as supplementary documents to this report, showcasing the impactful partnerships between PCNs and the VCFSE sector. Each fact sheet includes case studies from six different localities across C&M, highlighting how cross-sector collaboration is driving improved patient outcomes and more efficient use of system resources.

Localities and partnerships featured:

  • Cheshire West
    Neston and Willaston PCN & Cheshire West Voluntary Action

  • Knowsley
    Kirkby PCN & One Knowsley

  • Liverpool
    Innovative General Practice Collaborative & Liverpool CVS

  • Sefton
    Southport and Formby PCN & Sefton CVS

  • Warrington
    East Warrington PCN & Warrington Voluntary Action

  • Wirral
    Healthier South Wirral PCN & Wirral CVS

These partnerships illustrate the power of collaboration between PCNs and VCFSE organisations, ensuring that resources are aligned to deliver better care and support for patients.